It is possible to face corruption while using Microsoft Exchange Server cause of which EDB files becomes inaccessible or corrupted and may generate numerous error messages. To surmount such errors, it is important to opt for an efficient solution which can resolve such issues without hampering or altering any information and attachment of the EDB files.
In Viewing Application Event Log, the following log appears:
Product: Exchange Server
Event Type: Error Event
Source: ESE Event
Category: General
Event ID: 489
Computer: Computer Name
Message: <Process Name> (<Process ID>) <Storage Group Name> An attempt to open the file "<file name>" for read-only access failed with system error <error code>: "<error message>". The open file operation will fail with error <error code>.
This unexpected error is encountered while trying to open a file.
The following phrase appears in the event description:
An attempt to open the file [path/file name] for read-only access failed with [Error Code and Explanation]. The open file operation will fail with error [Error Code].
There various errors which cause Event ID 489 which are discussed below. The common and most possible error message occurred are discussed below with their reasons and solutions:
List of Errors Cause Event ID 489 Exchange
Error – 1032 – JET_errFileAccessDenied – Cannot access file
- The file is in use or locked.
- A virus manager may incorrectly quarantine a file.
- Another process has stolen the file.
- Access is denied temporarily cause of the backup process.
- An anti-virus software or flat file backing up system is running against the database or checking file directories.
- Permission for the folder composing files for information stores are not enough for the stores to function properly.
- Allow default permissions to the folder which contains Exchange Database files and to the drive where this folder exists.
- Configure anti-virus software and flat file backup to not to scan the Exchange Server Database sub-directories
- Use online backup
Error – 1023 – JET_errInvalidPath – Invalid file path
- Check the files before system restoration and change in the path of log files.
- While defragmentation or repair, a temporary file or check file is created.
- Even if the file is correct, it is possible that a corrupt file may generate such an error.
- Move Exchange database files back to their original locations and restore again.
- Transfer Exchange Database files to their original location and restore again.
- If .chk file is corrupted, delete it and read all transactions into the database.
- Restore it from online backup if database remains inconsistent.
Error – 1022 – JET_errDiskIO – Disk IO Error
- A disk input/output problem prevents Exchange Server to gain access to a requested page in the database.
- Access to entire drive is lost (may be temporary) due to controller failure.
- Due to drive failure, the path for the check file is not correct
- Execute chkdsk/f/r command in cmd
- For Exchange Server Folder, check for the valid permissions.
- Check that system should have full control over Exchange Server and all the other sub-folders on each partition which contains Exchange Data.
- Troubleshoot Windows NT file-level antivirus software running on the Exchange EDB Server.
- Verify the system log for drive or input/output errors.
- Verify and correct the path of the check file.
- Restore the database from the online backup.
Note: There are might be chances when it becomes impossible to remove the error and retrieve the corrupt and damaged Exchange EDB Data, therefore it becomes a highly important need to carry out the process of recovery with the third party tool.
First & Foremost Method to Fix Event ID 489 in Exchange
The Exchange Recovery Software is one of the highly advanced software through which it is easily possible to recover and retrieve corrupt data from any type of issue or error of Exchange Server. The software can restore corrupt and inaccessible files within few simple clicks and convert it to PST Outlook or New Server without hampering or altering any information.